Exam Schedules



Exam day/date and time based on class meeting time and days

Final exams must be offered as scheduled on the University’s published Final Examination Schedule. While instructors can offer additional times for students to take an exam (if a suitable space is available), these must be optional, and the exam must also be offered at the originally scheduled time. The same policy applies to those activities that may replace final exams in some courses, including presentations tests oral examinations, etc.





S/U Dec 7/8

Study Period

Study Period

Study Period

M Dec 9

10:30AM – MWF, or MW, or WF, or MF, or M only.  9AM – W only, or F only.

12PM – TR, or T only.

10:30AM – R only.

After 4:30PM – MW, or M only.

T Dec 10

1:30PM – MWF, or MW, or WF, or M only.

12PM  –  W only , or F only. 10:30AM-F only.

10:30AM – TR, or T only

9AM – R only

After 4:30PM – TR, or T only.

W Dec 11

Study Period

Study Period

Study Period

R Dec 12

12PM – MWF, or MW, or WF, or M only.  10:30AM – W only.

1:30PM – TR, or T only.

12PM – R only.

After 4:30PM – R only.

F Dec 13

9AM – MWF, or MW, or WF, or M only. 

3PM – MWF, or MW, or WF, or M only.  1:30PM – W only, or F only.

After 4:30PM – W only.

S/U Dec 14/15

Study Period

Study Period

Study Period

M Dec 16

9AM – TR, or T only.


3PM – TR, or T only.

1:30PM – R only.

4:30PM – MWF, or MW, or M only, or W only or F only.

3PM – W only, or F only.

T Dec 17

4:30PM – TR, or T only, or R only.

3PM – R only

8AM – MWF, or MW, or M only.

7:30AM – TR

  • All School of Professional and Continuing Studies courses follow the SPCS exam schedule and must be taken as scheduled.
  • Students who have more than two examinations scheduled on the same day, first check with your instructors. If, after consulting your instructors, you still have an issue, see your College dean.
  • No classes and no examinations are to be held during study periods.
  • The examination for one section of a multi-section course may be taken in another section if the instructor is the same for both sections and gives permission.
  • Except for the Special Note below, students are to take final examinations as scheduled. No rescheduling, excuse for absence, and/or provision for making-up final examinations will occur without the approval (in writing) of the student’s College dean.  Such approval shall be made only for illness certified by a physician, participation in authorized University activities, and/or personal emergencies such as a death in the family.
    • Special Note for Religious observance: Students wishing to observe religions holidays should follow the procedures specified in the University catalog.
    • Special Note for A&S Only: Student self-scheduling of final examinations is allowed at the option of the respective instructors, only in upper level courses which have only one section.

Previous Exam Schedules