Courses Fulfilling General Education Requirements for students entering prior to Fall 2024
Updated for the 2025-26 school year.
First Year Seminars
COM2 Communication-Second Language
FSHT Historical Studies
FSLT Literary Studies
FSNB Natural Science, Biology
FSNC Natural Science, Chemistry
FSNP Natural Science, Physics
FSSA Social Analysis
FSSR Symbolic Reasoning
FSVP Visual & Performing Arts
I. First-Year Seminars
Two FYS 100 First Year Seminars
(One seminar in the fall semester, one in the spring semester.)
II. Communication Skills
COM2 Communication-Second Language
- ARAB 202 Intermediate Arabic II
- ARAB 221 Intensive Intermediate Arabic Language with Practice
- CHIN 202 Intermediate Chinese
- FREN 221 Intensive Intermediate French with Practicum
- GERM 202 Intermediate German
- GREK 202 Intermediate Greek
- ITAL 221 Intensive Intermediate Italian
- JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese
- LAIS 221 Intensive Intermediate Spanish with Practicum
- LATN 202 Intermediate Latin
- PORT 221 Intensive Intermediate Portuguese (formerly LAIS 231)
- RUSN 202 Intermediate Russian II
- SWAH 113 Mentored Self-Instruction in Swahili IV
III. Fields of Study
FSHT Historical Studies
- AMST 201 Introduction to American Studies
- ARTH 121 Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
- ARTH 122 Survey of Western Art from the Renaissance to the Present
- ARTH 225 Art & Asia
- ARTH 227 Gender and the Arts of Japan
- CLSC 207 Greek Magic
- CLSC 306 The Classical Tradition
- HIST 199 Elements of Historical Thinking
- HIST 202 The Early American Republic
- HIST 203 Slavery and Freedom in Early America
- HIST 205 Tobacco
- HIST 206 African American Women's History
- HIST 211 Supreme Court Cases of the 20th Century
- HIST 212 Modern US Social Movements
- HIST 213 Lawrence v. Texas
- HIST 214 Scottsboro Trials
- HIST 216 American Culture, 1945-2000
- HIST 224 The Crusades
- HIST 232 British Business History
- HIST 237 Witches, Heretics and Unbelievers
- HIST 241 Joan of Arc and Marie Antoinette
- HIST 243 Nazi Germany
- HIST 245 Stalin’s Terror
- HIST 248 Europe in Crisis, 1881-1949
- HIST 249 Twentieth-Century Europe
- HIST 253 Opium Wars
- HIST 261 Modern Latin America
- HIST 263 History of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
- HIST 270 Early Islamic World
- HIST 273 The Great War in the Middle East
- HIST 280 Changing South Africa
- HIST 282 Africa in the Twentieth Century
- HIST 290 Britain and the World
- HIST 291 History of Public Health & BioMed
- LDST 101 Leadership and the Humanities (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 301 Native Peoples and the U.S. Supreme Court (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 305 Law, Native Sovereignty, and Treaty Rights (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 307 Leadership in International Contexts (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 317 Reimagining Richmond: History, Power, and Politics in the Former capital of the Confederacy (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 350 Killers and Cults: Leadership Gone Awry (eff. fall 2024)
- LLC 225 Chinese Culture and Civilization
- LLC 335 Bolsheviks, Bombs, and Ballet: Soviet Culture and Civilization
- LLC 347 Islam, Nationalism, and the West-Modern Thought in the Arab World
- MUS 134 Songbirds and Sirens
- MUS 209 Hearing Paris in the Belle Epoque, 1870-1914
- PHIL 271 Ancient Greek Philosophy
- PHIL 272 Modern European Philosophy
- RELG 105 Ninety-nine Names of God
- RELG 210 Religion and History
- RELG 223 Gods of the Pharaohs
- RELG 230 The History of Israel
- RELG 240 Lost Christianities
- RELG 241 Introduction to Early Christian Era
- RELG 242 Jesus in History and Tradition
- RELG 257 Native American Religions
- RELG 258 Religion & the Medieval Imagination
- RELG 273 Witchcraft and Its Interpreters
FSLT Literary Studies
- CLSC 101 Classical Mythology
- CLSC 205 Ancient Myth in Epic Poetry
- CLSC 208 Mythology: Greek Drama
- CLSC 329 The Ancient World in Cinema
- ENGL 203 Children's Literature
- ENGL 204 Literature and Culture
- ENGL 206 Selected Readings in American Literature
- ENGL 208 Twentieth-Century American Fiction
- ENGL 215 Reading Science Fiction and Fantasy
- ENGL 216 Literature, Technology, and Society
- ENGL 218 African Literature
- ENGL 219 Introduction to Drama and Theater
- ENGL 220 Introduction to Film Studies
- ENGL 221 Introduction to Poetry
- ENGL 222 Short Fiction
- ENGL 223 The Modern Novel
- ENGL 224 Great Novels
- ENGL 227 Life-Writing as Literature: Studies in Biography and Autobiography
- ENGL 229 The Black Vernacular
- ENGL 230 Women in Modern Literature
- ENGL 231 African-American Literature
- ENGL 233 Contemporary Native American Literatures
- ENGL 234 Shakespeare
- ENGL 235 Narratives of Personal Development
- ENGL 236 Global Women Writers
- ENGL 237 Queer Literatures
- ENGL 239 Vampires in Literature and Film
- ENGL 240 Literature and Comedy
- ENGL 297 Literature in Context: Genre and Mode
- ENGL 298 Literature in Context: Texts in History
- ENGL 299 Special Topics in Literary Analysis
- ENGL 309 Desire and Identity in the Renaissance: The Lyric Tradition
- FMST 201 Introduction to Film Studies
- FMST 265 German Cinema
- FMST 283 Cinema Around the World
- FREN 320 The Individual in Society
- FREN 324 Francophone Cultures and Literature
- FREN 325 The Origins of France
- FREN 326 Revolution in France
- FREN 327 The Question of Modernity
- FREN 328 Introduction to Magrhebian Literature and Culture
- GERM 321 Introduction to German Literature
- ITAL 321 Italian Literature in Context
- ITAL 323 The Literature of Exile
- LAIS 315 Introduction to Latinx Studies (eff. fall 2024)
- LAIS 321 Literary Spain: Poetry, Drama, Fiction
- LAIS 331 Introduction to Latin American Literature I
- LAIS 332 Introduction to Latin American Literature II
- LATN 307 Catullus
- LDST 369 Culture & Resistance: Race, Gender, Power, and Pop Culture (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 387 Leadership and Religious Values
- LLC 210 Women, Virtue, and Temptation in Literature
- LLC 211 Reading to Live
- LLC 215 Foreign Thinking
- LLC 220 Contemporary Chinese Pop Culture
- LLC 243 Politics and Social Movements in Modern Middle Eastern Literatures
- LLC 256 Psychoanalysis, Literature, and Culture
- LLC 260 Literature and Social Change in Eastern Europe
- LLC 265 German Cinema
- LLC 276 Rings from Brunhilda to Beyonce and Beyond (eff. fall 2024)
- LLC 283 Cinema Around the World
- LLC 321 Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature
- LLC 322 Introduction to Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Russian Literature
- LLC 325 Revolution and Modernity in Chinese Literature and Culture
- LLC 329 Francophone African Novel
- LLC 331 Russian and East European Film
- LLC 341 Gender and Sexuality in 19th Century France
- LLC 346 Insiders and Outsiders: Arabic Encounters with the West
- LLC 358 Desire and Identity in the Renaissance: The Lyric Tradition
- PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophical Problems and Arguments
- RELG 201 The Bible as Literature
- RELG 205 Religion and Literature
- RELG 206 Religion, Literature, and Written Communication (eff. spring 2025)
- RELG 253 Body/Sex in World Religious Literature
- RELG 255 Queers in Religion
- RELG 288 Saints & Sinners in Muslim Literature
- THTR 325 Script Analysis
FSNB Natural Science, Biology**
- BIOL 108 Environmental Biology
- BIOL 109 Introduction to Ecology
- BIOL 111 Marine Biology of the Chesapeake Bay
- BIOL 120 Modern Concepts in Biology
- BIOL 192 Science, Math and Research Training
- BIOL 199 Introduction to Biological Thinking
- BIOL 201 Genetics
- BIOL 216 Botany
- ENVR 109 Introduction to Ecology
- ENVR 111 Marine Biology of the Chesapeake Bay
- ENVR 250 Planet Earth: Wind, Water, Fire
- GEOG 250 Planet Earth: Wind, Water, Fire
FSNC Natural Science, Chemistry**
- CHEM 110 Pollutants in the Environment
- CHEM 111 Chemistry Detectives: Solving Real-World Puzzles
- CHEM 112 Biochemistry in the Real World
- CHEM 113 Catching Criminals with Chemistry
- CHEM 114 The Chemistry of Cooking and Modernist Cuisine
- CHEM 115 Chemistry in Art
- CHEM 141 Introductory Chemistry: Structure/Dynamics/Synthesis
- CHEM 192 Science, Math and Research Training II
- ENVR 110 Pollutants in the Environment
FSNP Natural Science, Physics**
- PHYS 121 Astronomy with Lab
- PHYS 123 Physics of Renewable Energy with Lab
- PHYS 125 Elements of Physics with Lab
- PHYS 127 Algebra-Based General Physics 1 with Lab
- PHYS 128 Algebra-Based General Physics 2 with Lab
- PHYS 131 Calculus-Based General Physics 1 with Lab
- PHYS 132 Calculus-Based General Physics 2 with Lab
FSSA Social Analysis
- ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- CLSC 212 Dining and Drinking in Classical Antiquity
- CLSC 220 Introduction to Archaeology
- CLSC 308 Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in Greece and Rome
- CLSC 321 Archaeology of the Middle East (eff. fall 2025)
- ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
- GEOG 210 Planet Earth: People and Place
- GS 210 Planet Earth: People and Place
- JOUR 100 News Media and Society
- LAIS 350 Sociolinguistic approaches to Spanish (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 102 Leadership and the Social Sciences
- LING 203 Introductory Linguistics
- PLSC 240 Introduction to Comparative Politics
- PLSC 250 Introduction to International Relations
- PLSC 260 Introduction to Public Policy
- PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychological Science with Lab
- RELG 200 Symbol, Myth, and Ritual
- RELG 244 Sex and Family in the Greek and Roman Worlds
- RELG 267 Varieties of Christian Ethics
- RHCS 102 Interpersonal Communication
- RHCS 255 Media, Culture, and Identity (formerly RHCS 105)
- SOC 101 Foundations of Society: Introduction to Sociological Analysis
- GSS 200 Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies (formerly WGSS 200 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)
FSSR Symbolic Reasoning
- CLSC 250 Introduction to Syntax
- CMSC 101 AI and the Human Mind (formerly Minds and Machines)
- CMSC 105 Elementary Programming
- CMSC 150 Introduction to Computing
- CMSC 221 Data Structures with Lab
- MATH 102 Problem Solving Using Finite Mathematics
- MATH 211 Calculus I
- MATH 212 Calculus II
- MATH 235 Multivariate Calculus
- PHIL 251 Elementary Symbolic Logic
FSVP Visual & Performing Arts
- CLSC 301 Greek Art and Archaeology
- CLSC 302 Roman Art and Archaeology
- DANC 204 Hip-Hop Dance
- DANC 210 Salsa Dance
- DANC 215 Dances of African Diaspora
- DANC 238 Introduction to Contact Improvisation
- DANC 251 Contemporary Dance I
- DANC 256 Jazz Dance I
- DANC 257 Ballet I
- DANC 258 Writing from the Body: Words and Movement
- DANC 259 Tap Dance I
- DANC 260 Modern Dance I
- DANC 361 Advanced Jazz Dance
- FMST 202 Introduction to Film Production
- GERM 314 German through Theatre
- GREK 310 Ancient Drama in Performance
- LATN 301 Plautus
- LATN 310 Ancient Drama in Performance
- LDST 367 Leadership Ethics Applied in the Field (eff. fall 2024)
- LDST 368 Leadership on Stage and Screen (eff. fall 2024)
- MUS 107 Music Fundamentals
- MUS 110 Tonal Harmony I: Common Practice Period
- MUS 114 Popular Music of the 1970s and 1980s
- MUS 115 The Jazz Tradition
- MUS 116 Music Scenes
- MUS 117 Salsa Meets Jazz
- MUS 122 America's Music and Media
- MUS 123 Meaning and Music
- MUS 125 Indonesian Theater and Music
- MUS 137 Gender, Sex, and the Romantic Piano
- MUS 202 Global Rhythms
- MUS 208 Global Pop
- MUS 213 Any Sound You Can Imagine: Recording, Transforming, and Organizing Sound
- MUS 217 Soundscapes
- MUS 221 Music in Film
- MUS 229 Anthropology of Music (eff. fall 2024)
- MSEN* 190 Womens Choral
- MSEN* 191 University Orchestra
- MSEN* 192 Jazz Ensemble
- MSEN* 193 University Band
- MSEN* 196 Schola Cantorum
- MSEN* 201 Chamber Music Ensemble
- MSEN* 203 Global Music Ensemble
- MSEN* 204 Little Big Band
- RELG 215 Religion and the Arts
- RELG 220 Magic and Religion in the Early Christian World
- RELG 251 Sacred Arts of India
- RELG 262 Sacred Arts of Native America
- THTR 115 Theatre Appreciation
- THTR 119 Broadway Musical Theatre
- THTR 201 Stagecraft
- THTR 202 Scene Painting
- THTR 203 Introduction to Lighting and Sound
- THTR 206 Introduction to Costume
- THTR 207 Text and Performance
- THTR 208 Fundamentals of Design
- THTR 212 Basics of Acting
- THTR 214 Acting for Social Change
- THTR 215 Physical Theatre: Actor as Creator
- THTR 219 Ensemble Performance
- THTR 229 Going Solo: The Politics of Identity in Contemporary Solo Performance
- THTR 239 Latinx On Stage: From the Barrios to Broadway
- VMAP 112 Introduction to Drawing
- VMAP 113 Introduction to Painting
- VMAP 114 Introduction to Sculpture
- VMAP 115 Introduction to Printmaking
- VMAP 116 Introduction to Photography
- VMAP 117 Introduction to Film, Sound, and Video
*Must take same ensemble for total of at least 1 unit for FSVP credit
**Students may select 1 unit from the three natural science fields of study offered.