Registration Error Messages

Note: There is currently an issue with the new version of Firefox (Version 11.0). When clicking the backspace button while searching for courses during registration, you may receive a message in BannerWeb stating, "Your changes have already been submitted." Please click the browser's "Refresh" button and to proceed.

Registration Error


Restricted to members of a specific class year

The course is restricted to either first years, sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Check the BannerWeb course listing.

Section has reached capacity

The course does not have any available openings.

Restricted to members of a specific home school

The course is restricted to students within a specific home school, such as business school students.

Must register for the linked section at the same time

The course has an additional course which must be selected at the same time (e.g. lecture, lab, language practice, or sectional). Check the BannerWeb course listing for instructions on linked courses.

Restricted to a specific major, minor, or concentration

The course is restricted to students within a specific major, minor, or concentration. Check the BannerWeb course listing.

Must have the required prerequisite(s)

The course has specific course requirements which must be met prior to registering for the course you have selected. Check the BannerWeb course listing or catalog course description for a list of pre-requisite(s).

Maximum hours exceeded

The course that you are attempting to add puts your total above that which is currently allowed.