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  • Summer School Logistics



    The UR Bookstore, centrally located in the Tyler Haynes Commons and online, stocks all required texts and supplies requested by the instructors for summer school classes. Non-required books, supplies, insignia gifts and clothing, and sundry items also are available for personal shopping.


    The Office of the University Registrar maintains the official academic calendar for summer school, including term start and end dates, exam dates, and class holidays. Summer school terms include 5-Week I & II, 6-Week I & II, 8-Week and 12-Week.

    Identification (Student ID)

    Continuing UR students may use their current One Card for Summer School.

    Non-UR students admitted to summer school may visit One Card services with a photo ID to obtain a student ID.


    The University of Richmond libraries consist of Boatwright Memorial Library (which includes the Book Art Studio and the Galvin Rare Book Room) and the Music Library, located in the George M. Modlin Center for the Arts. The University of Richmond School of Law Library is administered through the Law School.

    University Libraries are available to summer school students. Use your One Card (UR student ID) when checking out books. Use your netID (UR network ID) to log onto computers.


    Parking permits are required and may be obtained free of charge from the University Parking Services located on the ground floor of the Special Programs Building. The current year parking permit is in effect throughout the summer. Students are restricted to student lots. Parking lots are lighted and patrolled by University Police.


    The University of Richmond has a comprehensive recreation program. Non-UR summer school students are charged a discounted membership fee for access to the Weinstein Center for Recreation and Wellness. Review the paid memberships page under Summer for more details.


  • Policies & Procedures


    Course descriptions and requirements, academic policies, and additional information may be found in the undergraduate catalog. Summer school students are governed by policies, including the University honor code, as stated in academic catalog.

    Non-UR students admitted into Summer School are governed by policies, including the University Honor code, as stated in academic catalogs.

    Continuing UR students are governed by the appropriate catalog (based on date of admission) of the school to which they were admitted. 

    Independent Studies and Internships

    Special summer terms are used for independent studies and internships that do not have regularly scheduled meetings. Students must submit an Individual Instruction Request Form online.

    Changes to Registration

    Changes to registration (late adds, drops, or withdrawals) must be made according to the schedule on the summer school calendar.

    • Current University of Richmond degree-seeking students can add or drop a class in BannerWeb within the add/drop period specified on the summer school calendar. After the add/drop period, students may use the withdrawal form here.
    • Non-UR students can add or drop a class by emailing ( before 5:00 pm on the last day of the add/drop period specified on the summer school calendar. After the add/drop period, students may use the withdrawal form here.

    Confidentiality and FERPA

    Review the Registrar’s Office FERPA page for details on directory information, confidentiality, and student right to know.

  • Select Facility Hours

    Campus Office Hours

    Most campus offices are open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. However, contacting each office prior to visiting is recommended. Consult the campus directory for office and department contact details.

    Campus Police

    The University Police are available at any time. Their office is on the first floor of the Special Programs Building.

    • For emergencies, dial 911 from any campus phone or call 804-289-8911 using a mobile phone.
    • For non-emergency calls, dial x8715 from any campus phone or call 804-289-8715 using a mobile phone.

    Blue-light emergency call boxes across campus are immediately connected to police dispatch.

    Dining Locations

    Hours of operation for dining locations on campus are availabled on the Dining Services website.

    University Libraries

    University library hours are posted on the library website.

    UR Spider Shop Bookstore

    Bookstore hours are available on the UR Spider Shop website.

    Weinstein Center for Recreation

    Recreate Center hours are available on the Recreation website.