UR Summer School Admissions
Current University of Richmond students in the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Leadership Studies may register for summer school in BannerWeb beginning the Tuesday after spring break. No separate application is required.
Students visiting from other institutions or well-qualified high school students may apply for admission to summer school as a non-degree-seeking student using the form available here.
Admission to UR summer school does not imply admission to any other school of the University. Should you wish to attend the University as a degree-seeking student or as a non-degree-seeking student during a fall or spring semester, application should be made to the Office of Admission of that school.
Admissions Requirements
Current UR Students
If you are enrolled in a University of Richmond degree program and taking one or more classes in the spring term, there are no admissions requirements for summer school courses. Simply register in BannerWeb once registration opens. If you are not enrolled in the spring semester prior to the summer you wish to attend, you must complete the readmission process.
Prior to the registration period, ensure that you will be able to register in a timely manner by
- Checking for registration holds in BannerWeb
- Checking for prerequisites in the catalog or BannerWeb
- Arranging for any necessary overrides or approvals
Non-UR College Students
Summer school is open to college students who wish to take one or more classes for enrichment or transfer. If you are not enrolled in a University of Richmond degree program but wish to take a class, you need to complete the application/registration form. There is no application fee for summer school. You must meet all prerequisite requirements, if applicable.
High School Students
Highly qualified rising high school seniors may enroll in select summer school classes for full college credit. Many 100- and 200- level classes are eligible for high school enrollment.
Required Qualifications
- Rank in the top fifth of the junior class
- Aptitude and achievement test scores that clearly indicate capacity for college-level study
- Evidence of interest and determination to meet the challenge of college-level work
- Recommendation of the high school principal, headmaster, or guidance counselor
Transcripts of credits and grade earned for successful completion of courses will be available from the Office of the University Registrar. Eligible credits may be applied toward a University of Richmond degree, if accepted into a degree program, or forwarded by transcript to another college upon request.
To apply, submit the following application materials to the Office of the University Registrar:
- Application/registration form
- Letter of recommendation from your high school principal, headmaster, or guidance counselor
Next Steps for Enrollment
Non-UR college students and high school students accepted to UR summer school should review the following steps for enrollment. If you have questions, contact the Office of the University Registrar at registrar@richmond.edu.
1. Activate Your Network Account
Once you receive your UR ID, you should activate your computing account (netID). Your netID gives you access to your UR student email and to Blackboard, the University’s course management tool. Faculty will communicate by email only using your @richmond.edu address, so activating and forward your email is vital. Visit How to Activate Network Accounts on SpiderTechNet for details.
2. Confirm Your Registration
Because you completed the Application/Registration form, you’ve been registered for the course(s) you requested. To confirm, login to BannerWeb after activating your netID.
To login to BannerWeb off campus, you’ll need to enroll in Duo two-factor authentication. Follow these instructions for logging into BannerWeb using Duo.
3. Connect to the Network
Be sure you can access the UR wired, wireless and VPN network using your computer and mobile devices. Register your mobile device(s) along with your computer(s) on the network. Links and instructions are available on the Information Services website. Visit the Getting Connected on Campus page for on-campus network access, or review the VPN FAQ page for information on using VPN to access campus networks.
4. Purchase Textbooks
Most instructors notify the UR Bookstore of required textbooks, and the Bookstore makes copies available for purchase. The Bookstore delivers, too! Visit urspidershop.com.
Instructors may also share textbook requirements in Blackboard. Use your netID to access your class in Blackboard if your instructor uses Blackboard for communication and learning management.
5. Review Academic Support
Although you may be here only a few weeks, we encourage you to take advantage of all the academic resources available to students of the University of Richmond. Visit www.richmond.edu/academics.
6. Confirm Class Location
A day or two prior to the first day of class, check BannerWeb for updated class locations for in-person courses. Classes sometimes relocate at the last minute. Be sure to review a campus map if this is your first time to visit campus. Visit www.richmond.edu/visit.
If your class is offered online, be sure you access Blackboard and set up your University of Richmond Zoom account prior to the start of the course. Visit urichmond.zoom.us.